Who can participate?
Anyone in the Brentwood School community -- students, faculty, staff, parents, grandparents, alumni, you name it!

Can my non-Brentwood School children participate?
Of course! They are a part of our community too.

Are there prizes? 
No, but your name will be in the Newsletter at the beginning of the school year if you meet the challenge..and there might even be a celebratory party at the end! 

Does the required summer reading for middle, upper, or faculty/staff count? 
Yes, but you have to find a category for it.

What if I read a book that fits into two or more categories?
Books can only count for one category - so make a choice and then find a new book to read!

What if I read more than one in a category? Can I post both?
Yes, you can post multiple books in a category, but be sure to branch out to other categories too.

Can I re-read a book I have read before? 
Yes, but it can only count once.

What if I don't finish the book?
Life is too short to read bad books, but it can't count for a challenge.

Does the book have to be in English?
Nope! Read in whatever language you prefer.

What if I listen to the audio book or someone reads it to me?
It still counts! There are all kinds of ways to read books. It also counts if you read aloud to someone else.

How about if I started the book earlier but finish it over the summer?
Sure, we can count that too.

Where can I get some ideas for books to read?
Check out the summer reading lists for your campus.

What if I have ideas for other categories?
Email your librarians and we will consider new categories for next year.

What if I don’t meet all the challenges? 
It’s a challenge! Just do the best you can. We are happy to have you on board.

How do I post on Padlet? 
Take a look at this handy video.

I'm having trouble with the Padlet. Who can I contact? 
Contact Yapha Mason, Elisabeth Abarbanel,  or Jessica James, or leave a comment here and we will get back to you.

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What is the Summer Reading Challenge?

The Eagles Read 2018 Summer Reading Challenge is a fun way for the Brentwood School Community to connect over the summer and share a love of...